Monday, December 15, 2014

Toys to Avoid

By Sam Grant

This article will tell you about toys that have been recalled. Enjoy!

Sky Dancers: These toys were plastic fairies, that when launched from a device, would fly up into the air and plummet back down to earth-and onto children’s faces. There were 150 injury reports.

Atomic Energy Lab: This science kit from the 1950s contained a poison, gunpowder, and uranium. Big surprise they were recalled.

Snacktime Cabbage Patch Doll: This variant of the CPK featured a metal roller that enabled the doll to “eat” “food” and also girls’ fingers and hair. Oh, and did I mention that there was no off switch?

Lawn Darts (or Jarts): These darts had sharp metal tips and had an “adults only” warning on the package, yet were sold in children’s stores. The result? Over 7,000 injuries, 3 deaths, and one girl put into a coma.

Trampolines: Not recalled, there still are 100,000 injuries a year.

Magnetix: These were tiny magnetic balls, that, when swallowed, would snap together………… the middle of the victim’s intestines. Gross!

Aqua Dots: Make a pattern, spray with water, dry, and a mosaic is made! Not harmless at all………unless you swallow them. Children vomited and lapsed into comas after snacking on the beads.

More to come! Maybe.

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