Saturday, December 13, 2014

5th Grade Dezemberfest

By: Clara Silvestri 

       On Friday December 5, the 5th grade celebrated Dezemberfest. Dezemberfest is a traditional German holiday. On December 5, German children put their shoes outside their front door. If they are good, Saint Nikolaus fills their shoes with goodies. This fun day of doing German activities and learning more about Dezemberfest tradition was set up by our great German department. Many 5th graders loved it and want to do it again. Here are some of their thoughts:
         Eleanor Adams from Ms. Nunn’s homeroom said that she enjoyed Dezemberfest and wants to do it again. She liked all of the activities, but would want to make German sweets. Next year, she would like to go outside.

Dezemberfest artwork
         Andrew Pietkiewicz from Ms. Collin’s homeroom said “I thought it was really cool and I would love to do it again.” His favorite activity was making the clay good luck pigs. He said that next year he wants to play some German sports. He liked it overall, but thought that some of the jeopardy questions were a little too hard.   

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