Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Most Popular Christmas Movies

By: Sammy Fisher

Do you ever wonder what to watch at home, when you don’t have any idea? I do! I also like to wonder what the most popular Christmas movies actually are.
I, Sammy Fisher, through the month of December, have surveyed the KMS students here at Kittredge Magnet School about their favorite Christmas movies. The ten choices were: Grinch, Christmas Story, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Jack Frost, Polar Express, Elf, Home Alone, Charlie Brown Christmas, Christmas Carol, and Miracle on 34th Street.

The top Christmas Movie is, Drum Roll Please………………………

Elf was definitely the most popular Christmas Movie according to KMS students. Here is the list of the movies, 1 being the most popular, and 10 being the least popular:

3.Home Alone   
4.Polar Express   
5.Charlie Brown Christmas   
6.Christmas Story   
7.Jack Frost   
8. Miracle on 34th Street   
9.Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer   
10.Christmas Carol

Weird Laws

By Aadi Saha

Here are some of the weirdest laws from around the world:

  • In Victoria, Australia, it is illegal for anyone except licensed electricians to change a light bulb.
  • In Canada,it's illegal to pay for something with more than more than twenty five pennies
  • In Portugal, it's illegal to go potty in the ocean
  • In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum without a doctors prescription
  • In Texas, it is illegal to possess a pair of pliers.
  • In Miami, it is illegal for you to imitate an animal.

Immigration Simulation

By Lucy Mayer

On Friday, December 12, fifth graders did a simulation on the immigration process as part of their Humanities class. Classes worked in groups of two. The three jobs were passport checker, doctor, and humanitarian officer. About two-thirds of the students got to play the part of people trying to immigrate to America through Ellis Island. The students represented immigrants from many countries in Europe including Great Britain, Ireland, Germany and Russia. Many people got deported for various reasons.
Jossie S. in Ms. Anchors’ homeroom said that her reason for coming to America was not good enough to be admitted. She was coming to America to see family members, but she was deported.

Many of the fifth graders who have Ms. Menon and Ms. Nunn dressed up in character. The whole front lobby was set up for the simulation.

Deportation Center

Did they make it?


The initial interview line

Genius Hour Clubs

Genius Hour clubs are a new addition to Kittredge. Until this year students took part in Club Day, a special Friday that occurred three times a semester where students spent the whole day doing their clubs. Kids rotated between 4 clubs and then finished off the day with either an assembly or a party. In honor of the new system we will be taking a look at the genius hour clubs available this session.   

A member of Free Art works on a ceiling tile mosaic.

Matthew E. and kids in Lego Robotics club show off their robots. 

Kids in Appmaker club works on inventing new apps.

Zeenia C. in DIY club shows of her Eiffel Tower picture. Some other works are on display in the cafeteria.

Rachel Lee and Iris Tsouris work on looms during weaving club.

Members of the guitar club strum their guitars.

DIY Club

Tennis Club watches the pros in action before hitting the courts.

Mrs. Kennedy’s Aviation club experiments with lift using a paper towel roll and a leave blower.

Gardening club starts a new project.